Real Life Hunger Games

Bow Combat

Our Bow Combat, or ‘Archery Tag’ as it is popularly called in the US, is a fun game for all ages. It carries all the combat-style entertainment as paintball, but due to the amazing soft-tipped arrows, it leaves you with none of the bruises. Get sorted into two teams, 5 – 10 on each team, and fight Hunger Games style, for the arrows and bows as the game starts. Then hope you get an arrow to shoot at your opponent, or wait until the other team starts shooting so you can pick up their arrows instead.

Maybe there’s a true Legolas amongst you, but will he or she have enough arrows to pick off the other team one by one? That is where you have to plan, and strategize, because arrows are limited, and the other team are as eager to get you down, as you are to get them down.

Luckily, we provide helmets and arm guards so none of you get injured in the heat of battle.

Our 1800m2 large field can host up to 2 Bow Combat games at a time, so bring your friends, celebrate your birthday, or the annual office getaway, or maybe even your bachelor party, and run around, amongst blockades, for a true Archery Attack experience.

We always recommend all attendees to be above the age of 10, as the bows can be heavy to operate for younger children, over the course of an hour.

Should the weather not permit play, we will on the day do what we can to move you inside to our Laser Tag field, if it is free.

Please note: On Saturdays, Bow Combat can only be booked for outdoors. However, should it, on the day of the event, not be possible to play outside, we will attempt to move you onto our indoor Laser Games field, if it is available. If this is already booked, you will be offered to switch to an indoor event, which is free on the given day. All other days, Bow Combat can be booked both inside and outside

Bowcombat + 1 optional activity

  • 375,- per person (minimum payment of 10 participants)
